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Language Lab
 English Courses / Required English:::

The Importance of Freshman English

There are two areas that freshmen need to improve in learning English: Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills, along with basic reading and writing skills, and Academic English Ability in professional fields. In fact, the improvement in Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills will provide the foundation for higher proficiency in Academic English Ability.
In both undergraduate and graduate programs, many courses will be instructed via English handouts and/or English textbooks. Therefore, a sound foundation built from freshman English courses will enable students to be successful in applying for short-term overseas programs, pursuing graduate degrees in foreign universities, or immigrating to other countries in the future. It will also enhance students' academic competence and in turn their qualification for the future job market.
In addition to the practical implication, English itself is an interesting subject. With proficient English, students' worldviews will be broadened and their lives will become more fruitful and colorful.

Ideals and Goals of Freshman English
The ideal of freshman English is not only to improve both Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills and Academic English Ability but also to enhance students' humanity disposition. Therefore, students are expected to become fully-functioning persons.
With the idea of student-centered teaching in mind, lecturers will offer meaningful course contents and materials based on students' backgrounds and interests; the objective is to shape the students' independent learning capabilities. The specific goals of those learning capabilities include the following areas.
Listening: To be able to understand daily conversational English and to respond properly
Speaking: To be able to communicate with teachers, classmates, and friends in English in a natural and meaningful fashion
Reading: To be able to apply various reading skills in understanding the content of general articles
Writing: To be able to clearly express opinions with various phrases, paragraphs, and articles
Placement test and Differentiating Teaching
Differentiating teaching commenced at the semester of Fall 2006. Based on the results of the placement test during enrollment, students will be divided into one of the three levels - Basic, Intermediate, and High-intermediate. Under this policy, teaching difficulties resulting from the potential huge gaps among students' competence can be avoided. Students should try their best in the placement test to avoid improper categorization of their actual English proficiency. Otherwise, courses can be either too easy or too difficult and students' learning outcome may then be compromised.

1. The Schedule of English Placement Tests
  • Pre-test - in the freshman orientation
  • Post-test - at the end of the second semester
2. Course Categorization - three Levels
  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • High-intermediate
3. Materials - designated course materials for students of the same level
For Students of Entrance Year 2006

For Students of Entrance Year 2007

For Students of Entrance Year 2008

For Students of Entrance Year 2009

Leveling teaching for students of Four-year program in Daytime Department has commenced since Fall 2006. Based on the results of the English placement pre-test during student orientation, freshmen will be divided into four levels - Starter, Basic, Intermediate, and High-intermediate. Under this policy, teaching difficulties resulting from the potential huge gaps among students' competence can then be avoided. The English placement post-test will be taken by the end of the first and the second school year. The result of the first post-test will be the leveling criterion of Sophomore English for sophomores.

For both Freshman English and Sophomore English, two credits are respectively required in each semester. That is to say, eight credits in total are required within two years.

Students should try their best in the placement test to avoid improper categorization of their actual English proficiency. Otherwise, courses can be either too easy or too difficult, and students' learning outcome may then be compromised.

The Schedule of Relevant Tests
  Placement Test Pre-test Post-test
Freshmen During Orientation N/A End of School Year
Sophormores N/A Beginning of School Year End of School Year

Course Categorization:Four Levels
Starter(Newly set level from Fall 2009)

Course Materials:Unified materials within the same level

Testing and Evaluation:
The grade of joint exam, taken by all freshmen and sophomores in the end of the semester, counts for 20%~25% of the semester grade.
Freshman students in Starter level have to receive 2 hours of TA's tutoring in FLC weekly.
Freshman students in Basic level have to finish 5 hours of self-learning in FLC each semester, which counts for 5% of the semester grade.
Freshman students in Intermediate and High-intermediate levels have to finish reading 2 books designated by FLC each semester, which counts for 5% of the semester grade.
Sophomore students have to finish reading 1 book designated by individual lecturers each semester, which counts for 5% of the semester grade.

Adjustment of Student Placement:
After the first semester, the adjustment of placement may be applied if found unsuitable. In this case, only one level of upgrading /downgrading each time is allowed – from Basic to Intermediate or from Intermediate to High-intermediate, and vice versa.

Conditions for Upgrading:
Semester grade over 85
Qualified attendance judged by lecturers
Overall evaluation from lectures

Conditions for Downgrading:
Semester grade below 55
Qualified attendance judged by lecturers
Overall evaluation from lecturers

Procedures for Application:
Filling in the application form with the lecturer's signature
Offering the copy of the semester transcript
Applying with forms during the add-and-drop period

Pathway of Freshman English
Pathway of English required courses for Students of School Year 2009

For Students of Entrance Year 2010

English Requirements for Graduation
      For students of the entrance year in/after 2008 in Four-year program of Daytime Department, it is required to pass one of the tests with the right criterion, made by individual departments, by the end of the third school year. For details, please visit the website of Foreign Language Center.

English Credits Waiving
      For non-English major students, in Four-year program of Daytime Department or Evening Department, who are holding certain English certificates are eligible for credit waiving in required English courses. For details, please visit the website of Foreign Language Center.
41349 台中市霧峰區吉峰東路168號 朝陽科技大學-語言中心 Language Center, Chaoyang University of Technology
Location:Design Building 2F(D-208) Opening Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8:00 A.M - 06:30 P.M.
Tel:(04) 2332-3000 EXT 7522~7525 E-mail:flc@cyut.edu.tw(Foreign Language Section) cl@cyut.edu.tw (Chinese Learning Section) 瀏覽人次:757398